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【预告】Classification of regular tight polyhedral

来源: 日期:2024-05-10 作者: 浏览次数:

报告题目:Classification of regular tight polyhedral

报告学者:Gabriel Kevin Cunningham教授

报告者单位:Wentworth Institute of Technology&University of Massachusetts Boston



报告摘要:A regular polyhedron of type {p, q} has at least 2pq flags, and it is calledtight if it has exactly 2pq flags. The values of p and q for which there exist tight orientably regular polyhedra were previously known.We determine for which values ofp and q there is a tight non-orientably regular polyhedron of type {p, q}. Furthermore,we completely classify tight regular polyhedra in terms of their automorphism groups.

报告人简介:Gabriel Kevin Cunningham,毕业于美国麻省理工(MIT),现在是美国Wentworth Institute of Technology教授,正则多面体领域国际青年专家,他在tight多面体方面有很深的理解。截止2024年初共发表高水平科研论文20篇,其中在代数组合领域顶级刊物JACO上3篇,图论领域顶级刊物ARS上3篇,离散几何领域顶级刊物DCG上2篇等。